Unreal Editor is quite a different experience to using SketchUp. In the last project I would experiment with my designs in the programme, however with Unreal it is much harder to do so due to the fact it is harder to 'snap' to the grid and other objects. Thus I found to create my first draft and subsequent designs, I needed to plan my designs first. I used grid paper (larger than my moleskine) to 'rough-out' a few of my ideas and gage an idea of the dimensions I would need to use. Using different scales (i.e. one grid was relative to 128 units in the programme) I could draw up my ideas to an appropriate scale and simply 'plug in' my dimensions. I found this decreased both time and effort wasted on otherwise fiddling with the sizes of my designs.

Plan and section for Cousteau's space in version 1.

Plans of the middle and lower levels in version 1.

Plans for Nobel's lab later in version 2.