What is a scientist after all? It is a curious man looking through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature, trying to know what's going on.”

This is a quote from Cousteau commenting on the role of a scientist. I thought that this frames nicely the ideas behind both Cousteau and Nobel and science in general. Both scientists, no matter where they are, or what they are studying are both passive spectators, and only once enough ‘watching’ has occurred can they begin to test and manipulate.

Taking this idea my aggregated quote is that science is, in essence, a framework to understanding the world and the scientist is a spectator to its inner workings.

This is what inspired my meeting space, which is based around setting up the area to allow passive and active watching. The ‘spectator box’ is similar to that in performance arenas and focuses the attention on the huge ‘keyhole’ to the outside. I have deliberately left much of the ground level unlit also to focus the attention on the light and space outside. I intended the scientists, whilst in their meetings, to look out and see the overall form of Cousteau’s space and be reminded of the importance and relevance of working together in a cooperative fashion.

The following images are of my draft meeting space based on the electroliquid aggregation.